Bring teaching the wonderful subject of Computer Science alive!
A complete series (powerpoint based) covering an Introduction to Comptuer Science and Programming (includes basics needed for GCSE and A Level Computing Syllabus). Arranged with carefully considered pedagogy, innovative examples/exemplars and discussion topics. The series includes engaging starters,trivia, inspirational ideas, screenshots, demos, up to date contexts for teaching and easy to follow programming tutorials.
TeachingComputing Series 1 Includes PowerPoints (lesson by lesson) and:
1. VB.Net Video Tutorials
2. Compilation of Scratch Resources
3. Compilation of VB.Net Resources including Project files and Source code
4. Freebies and Free downloads
5. Mad, Crazy FACT (Computer Science & Enterprise related) STARTER ppts
6. Useful Course delivery free resources and links
7. Recommended links and websites section
TeachingComputing Series 1 Power Point Lessons cover the following topics:
Binary, Artificial Intelligence, DNA and the Genetic, The wonderful world of Apps, Algorithims, Flowcharts, How our Brains work
Introduction and Programming with Scratch, Interface Design, Open Source Software – Knowing the difference – The use of Variables; Creating a Console based Chatbot
Introduction and Programming with VB.Net (Visual Basic Studio) – Free Download Here
Introduction to coding with HTML and JavaScript
Learning and Practical tasks of the Programming Constructs: SELECTION (If & Case), SEQUENCE, ITERATION (LOOPS) ; Working with Random Numbers and Subroutines and More……
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