মুসাররাত আবির
আইইএলটিএসের রাইটিং সেকশনের দুটি ভাগ থাকে, টাস্ক ১ এবং টাস্ক ২। রাইটিং সেকশনে সময় বরাদ্দ থাকে ১ ঘণ্টা। তাই টাস্ক ১-এর জন্য সর্বোচ্চ ২০ মিনিট আর বাকি ৪০ মিনিট রাখবেন টাস্ক ২-এর জন্য। চলুন তাহলে রাইটিং টেস্টের প্রশ্ন সাধারণত কেমন আসে, তা জেনে আসা যাক।
Task 1
Write about the following topic:
A friend has agreed to look after your house and pet while you are on holiday. Write a letter to your friend.
Task 2
Write about the following topic:
Some people believe that teaching children at home is best for a child’s development while others think that it is important for children to go to school.
Discuss the advantages of both methods and give your own opinion. Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.
Write at least 250 words.
টাস্ক ১-এর মডেল উত্তর:
Dear Carolyn,
Thank you for agreeing to house-sit for me. If you need to contact me during my holiday, I’ll be staying at the Imperial Hotel in Bundaberg. If it’s urgent, however, please ring my mobile phone, which I’ll keep with me at all times. I’ve written the numbers on a sticky note which I’ve left on the fridge.
My cat needs to be fed twice daily so each morning and evening put a handful of cat biscuits in his dish. You will find these in the kitchen pantry. Also, please check throughout the day to make sure he has fresh water. You can give him a small bowl of milk in the evening. I would like you to water my plants, too. The indoor ones in the lounge only need water once every few days but the plants on the balcony need to be watered daily unless there
has been heavy rain. Finally, for security, please clear my mail box every day and keep the outside lights on at night.
I look forward to seeing you on my return.
টাস্ক ২-এর মডেল উত্তর:
The argument over whether learning at home or at school is better for children has not been settled yet. Whereas home education offers better protection with individual learning and opportunities for families to bond, schools have a superior range of material and human resources. Ultimately, I think the school experience is best for children. There are several advantages for children who learn at home. Firstly, they can spend more time with their parents and siblings. Many social problems are associated with families not spending enough quality time together. Teaching children at home also provides them with an individualised learning environment. Instruction is custom designed and moves at the child’s own pace and in accordance with his or her individual learning style. Finally, home schooling protects children from bullies and others who might be a bad influence. On the other hand, the school environment also offers advantages for children. Schools encourage children to socialise with their peers and learn how to cope with gossip, bullying and peer pressure. In addition, children will receive better tuition across a range of disciplines, as schools have teachers who are trained in special subjects. What is more, schools provide better access to physical resources such as sports equipment, musical instruments and library books. I believe that children are better off in a school environment. Although family time and individual learning are important, the range of expertise and resources that schools offer cannot be matched in the home. School environments may present difficult social situations, but so too does the real world and children must learn to navigate these on their own.
সূত্র: ব্রিটিশ কাউন্সিল, মুসাররাত আবির
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